
Green Day Update: Collected 15.4 Tons of Plastic Waste

It’s been one year since the inaugural Green Day cleanup event and we have a lot to report. If you are not familiar with our Green Day Initiative, here’s the original blog post that explains what we’re doing about ocean plastic and Vietnam’s national littering problem. Since August 2018, 1170 Australis employees and community members… Continue reading Green Day Update: Collected 15.4 Tons of Plastic Waste

Australis Vietnam Employees Clean Up Local Shoreline

In Vietnam, there is a cultural habit of littering, and the garbage has a good chance of winding up into the sea. The country is in need of more community-focused efforts to clean up the garbage and Australis’ Vietnam employees are taking matters into their own hands. On August 3 and August 30, team members… Continue reading Australis Vietnam Employees Clean Up Local Shoreline