
The Better Fish® Becomes Fair Trade Certified

We are proud to announce that Australis Aquaculture is the world’s first Barramundi farmer and Asia’s first aquaculture fin fish producer to be Fair Trade certified. Since being founded in 2004, our company has been dedicated to the pursuit of producing the most delicious fish imaginable in the most responsible way possible. We see Fair Trade as a natural… Continue reading The Better Fish® Becomes Fair Trade Certified

The Better Fish Becoming ASC Certified and What It Means

In March, our Barramundi farm became the first in the world to achieve the ASC Tropical Marine Finfish Certification. Sustainability has always been a foundational commitment for us and this certification aligns our long history of developing low impact farming methods with the word’s most rigorous, science–based standard for sustainable aquaculture.    What does being ASC certified mean? While demand for fish as a healthy, lean protein continues to grow, purchasing sustainable seafood is not always easy. The Better Fish® exists because we want… Continue reading The Better Fish Becoming ASC Certified and What It Means