Confessions of a Former Fish Hater: Find Good Fish in the Midwest

Finding Better Fish in the Midwest
We’re wrapping up with National Seafood Month with a confession that many of you can probably relate to. You want to eat better seafood and you might want to find fresh seafood locally, but that’s not always possible -especially when you live in the Midwest.
Next: Our friend “Jennifer” (who wishes to remain anonymous) from the Midwest, as told to Tavaner Sullivan
Prior to discovering Australis Barramundi, I didn’t eat that much fish except for what is local here in the Midwest—and those opportunities don’t happen very often. I don’t live anywhere near a Whole Foods, so seafood isn’t as readily available or as fresh as I’d like. Half of the time I don’t know what it is or where it comes from, which are two things that are important to me. With Australis Barramundi, one of the first things that turned me onto it is that it is so low in mercury, which is something I was concerned about when I was pregnant and now pay attention to in the foods I choose to feed my daughter. Barramundi hits all of my points: healthy and sustainable. (I buy grass-fed meats, too.)
It also turns out that it is super easy to cook, which makes it possible to prepare during the week. The first time I cooked barramundi I kept it really simple by just sautéing it in some butter and fresh herbs. My daughter ate a whole plate herself! It really does take on the flavor of whatever you put into it. Now, my favorite way to prepare it is with lemon herb butter, which seems to be everyone’s favorite (see recipe below).
Jennifer’s Barramundi tip: Always keep some in the freezer. I usually make two dinners because my daughter eats earlier than my husband and me and because each fillet is packaged individually it makes it so easy to quickly prepare a healthy dinner for her and then make something else later.
Try this recipe: Sauteed Barramundi with Lemon Butter